Why Volunteer?
Learn More
In addition, please see link below to a Fence Judging Video guide courtesy of British Eventing
Carole King – XC Control
Claire Palmer – Event Scorer
Inge D’Haese – The role of the Vet and how Volunteers can help
Eventing Ireland seeks to involve suitable volunteers who share our values and interest in Equestrian Sports. We will take all reasonable steps to welcome and support them; value their contribution and provide opportunities to be part of our sport. Were it not for the support of volunteers at every level, our sport would not function
A volunteer is someone who gives there time to Eventing Ireland on an unpaid basis. Once a person receives any remuneration from Eventing Ireland they cease to be classed as a volunteer and become a contractor or employee as appropriate. Volunteers can receive expenses for their functions carried out on behalf of Eventing Ireland subject to prior approval by the Chairman or his designate.
All members of Eventing Ireland (aged 18 years or older), as a requirement of their membership, are to volunteer once during each season (if based in the Munster, North Leinster, South Leinster or Western Regions) or three times (if based in Northern Region). Volunteers may or may not be members of Eventing Ireland. If you wish to volunteer at an event, you can select the event in your Members Area of the website or contact the organiser directly.
Eventing Ireland seeks to ensure all volunteers feel equipped for their role, and have opportunities to develop their skills.
Where appropriate, Volunteers will be given training appropriate to the specific tasks to be undertaken through their role.
Contact person
Each volunteer may have a designated event official involved in administering the activities they are involved in and who will guide and advise them in their role.
All volunteers will be treated in a professional and respectful way.
Volunteer’s may have loyalties or perceived loyalties to certain Board members, affiliates or participants in the horse sport sector, however they will put these aside during their volunteering role with Eventing Ireland. All Board members, affiliates and participants should be treated equally.
Safeguarding Policies
Eventing Ireland has undertaken to adopt Horse Sport Ireland’s policies on Child Protection, which includes guidelines on good practice in working with young people, Tobacco Alcohol and Drugs, Integration and other topics which all adult volunteers must implement when volunteering with children or vulnerable adults. This policy is available on the safeguarding section of the HSI website.
Health and Safety
Eventing Ireland volunteers must, at all times, take care to ensure their own safety and the safety of the people with whom they work with in the equestrian sector.
In addition, Eventing Ireland will ensure the Organiser has taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the Organiser and all the officials and stewards. Eventing Ireland’s Health and Safety Policy Statement can be found HERE
The organisation advises volunteers of the need for confidentiality where they have access to sensitive information which is not public knowledge; particularly so in child protection, governance matters, donations etc.
Representing Eventing Ireland
Volunteers must act in the best interest of Eventing Ireland at all times. Volunteers should not purport to represent or speak for Eventing Ireland on any matter unless specifically designated to do so by the Chairperson at private or public meetings, or in the media.
All volunteers have a responsibility to uphold the good name and reputation of Eventing Ireland and may not make statements which would significantly affect or obligate the organisation. When speaking publicly and privately volunteers should promote the views of the organisation and not their own personal opinions.
Eventing Ireland aims to treat all volunteers fairly, objectively and consistently. They will seek to ensure those volunteers’ views are heard, noted, acted upon promptly, and aim for a positive and amicable solution.
Complaints Procedure
In the event of a volunteer needing to complain about something which cannot be resolved, they should refer to Eventing Ireland Head Office.
Corrective Action and Removal from Office
Volunteers who do not perform their volunteer role satisfactorily will be supported to do so correctly. If the problem has not been resolved after a number of attempts to support the volunteer, their role with Eventing Ireland may be ended. Grounds for terminating a volunteer’s involvement include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Abuse or mistreatment of others including young people, volunteers, staff or parents.
• Recklessly ignoring policies and procedures
• Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while in your role
• Theft or misuse of the organisation’s resources
Eventing Ireland will update this document on a continuous basis in line with organisational and sector trends to ensure it remains up to date and meets the needs of volunteers and the organisation.