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Happy Days (AES)

horse | ID: 228527
Total Points: 14
Foaled: 2012
Gender: Gelding
Height: 168cm
Colour: Grey
Sire: Cevin Z (Zang)
Dam: Vale Brook
Breeder: Emma Humphrey
Owner(s): Alex Colquhoun, Lavinia Taylor and Caroline Wilson
Event Rider Class Event Date MER DR XCF XCT XC SJT SJF SJ Plc. Pts. Total
Lisgarvan House International Izzy Taylor Connolly's RED MILLS CCI4*S 22 Aug 2024 Y 31.1 0.0 3.6 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 / 49 14 34.7

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