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DS Are You My Baby (ISH)

horse | ID: 228254
Foaled: 2018
Gender: Mare
Height: 163cm
Colour: Grey
Sire: DS Are You With Me (Holst)
Dam: Ds Baby Boucer (ID)
Breeder: Liam Lynskey
Owner(s): Pamela Kilmurrary
Event Rider Class Event Date MER DR XCF XCT XC SJT SJF SJ Plc. Pts. Total
Clyda 2 Ruby Kilmurray EI100 (J) 01 Sep 2024 Y 33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 8 / 17 0 37.0
Hillcrest 3 Ruby Kilmurray EI100 (J) 05 Aug 2024 N 41.8 - - WD 0.0 4.0 4.0 WD 0 WD

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