Dear Members
Please see below from The Event Organisers Committee, which can also be downloaded here:
Dear board member,
As a gesture of good will and to keep members informed and to allay fears they might have of there being no competitions. We have provisionally put together a draft Calendar up until the middle of May. These dates are subject to the amended insurance being accepted by our legal advisors and all the accompanying documents being in order.
• H/S statements
• Licencing agreements
• EO agreements
Southern dates
• 13th of April Frankfort Stud (80-110)
• 20TH of April Crecora (80-115)
• 11th of May Lisgarvan House (80-120)
We will populate the rest of calendar once the insurance and supporting policies are in place.
We trust this is acceptable to you and we need to continue to work with the urgency and professionalism we have established recently.
Kind regards,
Will Kearney
Event Organisers/ landowners Group Chair