29 January 2025
Dear Member
NOTICE is hereby given under Rule 12 of the Society’s Constitution that the Board has set the date of 12 March 2025 for the holding of an Annual General Meeting of the Society, at the Keadeen Hotel, Newbridge at 7.00pm and online via Microsoft Teams, for those who cannot attend in person to transact the following business:
- To receive and consider the financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2024 together with the reports of the directors and auditors thereon.
- The reappointment of auditors and the fixing of remuneration thereof.
- To propose an ordinary resolution of the members for the election of two Directors to the Board: one representing Munster and one representing South Leinster.
These vacancies have been caused by the resignations of Mr Michael Ryan and Mr Rodney O’Donnell (who represented the Riders and Events respectively under the Society’s previous Constitution. Ms Bridget McGing (South Leinster) has now reached her first term as an elected director.
The nomination forms for the respective regions will be sent to members by email. The election of the two Directors will be voted on individually.
Results of the elections of the Directors to the Board will be announced at the AGM.
4. AOB
TAKE NOTICE only members that have paid a membership in the financial year the AGM relates to, attending in person or virtually, may vote at a general meeting of the Society, this will include Honorary members.
All voting will be conducted electronically in advance of the meeting for elections or for proposals on which the membership has had notice. Votes held on issues the membership has not had notice of will be decided by member submission and subsequent electronic voting.
Any matters to be raised under AOB must be submitted to alison@eventingireland.com for inclusion by noon on Friday 7 March 2024. All submissions will be circulated in advance.
Please send your RSVP’s for the AGM to headoffice@eventingireland.com by noon on Friday 7 March 2024 stating if you will be attending in person or online. Details on accessing the Microsoft Teams platform for online attendees will be provided in due course.
By Order of the Board
Alison Packman
Society Secretary
29 January 2025
Notice of this AGM is given in accordance Rule 19 of the Constitution
This communication will also be sent via email to:
The Members
The Directors
The Auditors