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Eventing Ireland

How to add a new Underage Athlete

Athletes can compete with Eventing Ireland from the beginning of the calendar year in which they turn 12:

  • Athletes may compete as pony riders from the beginning of their 12th year, until the end of the year in which they turn 16
  • Athletes compete as junior riders from the beginning of their 16th year, until the end of the year in which they turn 18

In order for a new underage athlete to create an account with Eventing Ireland, a parent or guardian will first have to create an account.

Underage athletes who are new to Eventing Ireland need to submit a few supporting documents in order to create an account:

  • Parental Consent Form
  • Competency Form (must be submitted by the rider’s trainer/instructor) – This is necessary in order to ensure that both rider and horse are as safe as possible when they both start out.
  • A photo/scan of the athlete’s birth certificate or passport.

These documents should be uploaded when you create the athlete’s account. The forms can be found by clicking on the Info Portal button at the top right of the screen.

Your regional training coordinator will be able to help. View the regional co-ordinators here.

How to Create a New Underage Rider Account:

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